Elwood Care (631) 266-6871

Hello,  Please use this website to download calendars and other important information such a program closures due to inclimate weather, and other inportant information.

If you missed our registration, please email me to be put on our waiting list.
Our first day of school is Wednesday September 4th for all grades.  Please reach out if you have any questions via email.  Looking forward to a great school year.
Please keep in mind it is still summer like weather.

Reminders: dress your children appropriate clothing for warmer tempuratures. We will be going outside often. Please put sunblock on them before they go to school. Feel free to send in their backpack an extra labled bottle that they can self apply if needed.

If you need to update your child's contact card at any time, please let me know.  Just a reminder, ONLY people on the pick up list are able to sign your child out.

If you have any questions, please contact the program director at 

Program Director 
               Erika R. Maresca


Federal I.D # 112931293